Friday, May 23, 2008

Seeking Balance... for real.

So here I am, at work... working diligently at setting up Facebook ads and a company twitter. I think it's my ADD... no, really. I think if I had come into the world 15 or 20 years later than I did, I would have been medicated for it. I was browsing Google's latest widgets, looking for anything I should be considering for business, and I decided to set up a new gmail account. Then I figured, while I'm at it, I should delete my hotmail account... so really I needed to transfer my contacts over. No problem... a quick export, a quick import and it's done. But then I had to email a bunch of people who still use my hotmail to contact me. Archaic I know... I'm on Facebook every day for heaven's sake! And then I realized my hotmail is my login for a bunch of things... so I had to go and change my email address in those things, like Blogger and Twitter. So then I thought oh I should add my blog URL to my twitter - after all, it asked for a URL in my profile that I was updating. Then I noticed I hadn't blogged, and my blog name was related to my hotmail account... so I had to delete it and start all over again. Okay I digress...

I think I spend too much time online. So I thought I'd strike a balance in my life by starting a blog. Yeah... that makes sense. I'd better get back to work...

1 comment:

the girl said...

I'm wondering about your media did it go? I'm considering taking a break from the computer myself. I want to know how much more I get done, for myself and with the boys, if I don't use the computer for a week. Not quite brave enough to try it just yet, ha ha. But soon! :)